
Paper Code: 
Max. Marks: 

The Course will enable the students to formulate the mechanics of writing a synopsis/ research proposal, support the technical aspects of research methodology and documentation and identify topics and formulate research questions for critical inquiry.


The student will be required to prepare and submit a Dissertation-Synopsis, requiring two hours per week of self- study outside the class, and make a presentation. There will be external evaluation by a panel comprising a Subject-Expert and two faculty members from the Department, one of whom will be the Supervisor, at the end of the Semester.




Academic Year: 
Course Outcomes: 

The students will:

CO103. Demonstrate the skills required in academic writing for critically evaluating the chosen texts for research

CO104. Identify the theoretical frameworks, to be applied to the chosen area of study, for drafting a research problem and developing a research proposal and protocol

CO105. Develop a research aptitude and learn ways of extended critical thinking

CO106. Develop skills of literary documentation

CO107. Investigate and examine key concepts in a text to construct a theoretical background for critical understanding

C0108. Contribute effectively to course-specific interaction.