The students will:
CO 51. Sketch a picture Victorian literature and culture
CO 52. Investigate the relevant historical and cultural contexts to know how those inform the reading of literary texts
CO 53. Critically weigh the texts with other literary critics and theorists
CO 54. Identify how the style, content and structure differ across genres
CO 55. Develop an understanding to critically interact and analyse Victorian literature from the political, historical and sociological perspectives
Thomas Carlyle
The Hero as Poet
Walter Pater
From “Appreciations”: Essays on Style
Matthew Arnold
From Culture and Anarchy (Chap. 1 : “Sweetness and Light” and Chap. 2 : “Doing as One Likes”)
Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights
Thomas Hardy
The Return of the Native
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
Batho, Edith, and Bonamy Dobree. The Victorians and After. The Cresset Press, 1950.
Chesterton, Gilbert Kleith. The Victorian Age in Literature. London: Williams and Norgate, 1913.
Dunn, J. :Richard. Wuthering Heights: Norton Critical Edition. ed. W. W. Norton, 2002.
Ford, Boris. Ed. From Dickens to Hardy :The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. 6. Penguin, 1957.
Meyer, Susan and Barbara Leah Harman,ed.The New Nineteenth Century.Routledge.2000.
Regan, Stephen.The Nineteenth Century Novel: A Critical Reader. Routledge, 2004.
Victorian Literature and Culture by Cambridge University Press.
E-resource: English Language and Literature by Dr. Liza Das & Dr. Krishna Barua,Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,IIT Guwahati.