
Paper Code: 
ENG 326
Max. Marks: 

The main goal is to prepare students for research. In keeping with this goal, the main aims and objectives are:
•Inculcating an interdisciplinary/ comparative approach to research
•Updating knowledge in pertinent areas of research

The students will undertake a project chosen by them in consultation with their supervisors. The paper will be presented in a Seminar and a draft copy of it will be submitted before the Semester End Examination.
The Division of marks will be as follows:

•Internal Evaluation (Continuous Assessment)- 30 Marks, on the basis of:
oData Collection
oContact with the Supervisor
oOriginality of the work
•Seminar & Viva-Voce-70 (50+20) Marks
oThere will be a Subject-Expert and two Departmental Examiners, one of whom will be  the Supervisor

Academic Year: