Research Methodology Theory

Paper Code: 
ENG 141

Unit I


Research in Literature:                                                                                    

Introduction to Research                   (The Craft of Research pp. 10-14, 49-63)

  • What is Research?
  • Why Write It Up?
  • Why a Formal Paper?
  • From Questions to a Problem


Unit II


The Process of Critical Reading

Close Reading (Prose and Poetry)


Unit III



Think: Evaluating your Sources                         (MLA Handbook pp. 10-12)

Gathering Information about your Sources        (MLA Handbook pp. 13-18)

Taking Notes                                    (The Craft of Research pp. 10-14, 49-63)  


Unit IV


Why document Sources?                                     (MLA Handbook pp. 3-6)

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty                (MLA Handbook pp. 6-10)

Organize: Creating your Documentation:          (MLA Handbook p. 19)

  • The List of Works Cited                            (MLA Handbook pp. 20-53)
  • In-Text Citations                                       (MLA Handbook pp. 54-58)


Unit V


Academic Writing:
Preparing a Research Proposal (organizing material/ ideas, developing an argument, facilitating coherence and cohesion)*

Introductions and Conclusions        (The Craft of Research pp. 232-46)



Source Books: 

Essential Reading:


Extracts from ‘Facilitating Coherence across Qualitative Research Papers’. Ronald J. Chenail & Maureen Duffy (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Landerdale, Florida, USA) and Sally St. George & Dan Wulff (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada).


Literary Research Guide, James L. Harner, The Modern Language Association of India, 2008 (Fifth Edition), Print. 


MLA Handbook, New York: MLA, 2016 (Eighth Edition) , Print. 

The Craft of Research, Booth, The Univ. of Chicago Press, 2016 (Fourth Edition), Print.


Academic Year: