Course Objectives:
The course will enable the students to:
Course Outcomes
The students:
W. B. Yeats
A Prayer for My Daughter
Wild Swans at Coole
An Irish Airman Foresees…
Coole Park
T. S. Eliot
W. H. Auden
Dear, though the night is …
Musee Des Beaux Arts
Lay Your Sleeping Head, My Love
As I Walked Out
Philip Larkin
Lines on a Young Lady’s…
At Grass
Ted Hughes
An Otter
G. B. Shaw
Arms and the Man
Source Books:
Allison, Barrow and Blake. Norton Anthology of Poetry. W. W. Norton & Company, 1983.
Jain, Jasbir. Strings of Gold Part 2:An Anthology of Poems. Macmillan, 1994.
Woodhead, Chris.Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Verse. Oxford University Press, 1984.
Suggested Readings:
Alexander, L.G. Poetry and Prose Appreciation for Overseas Students. Longman, 1970.
Boulton, Majorie. Anatomy of Poetry.Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1982.
Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature. Vol 1to 4. Secker & Warburg, 1960.
Watson, Peter. The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century Literature: A Survey of Poetry. Perennial Harper, 2002.
Smith, Stan. Ed. The Cambridge Companion to W.H. Auden. CUP, 2005.