Nineteenth Century Poetry and Drama-II

Paper Code: 
ENG 411
Max. Marks: 

Objective : To familiarize the students with the respective literary ages and their salient features, various literary movements and trends and the representative poets and their individual traits


Unit 1 (10 Hrs.)


Robert Browning                                          My Last Duchess

                                                                  The Laboratory

                                                                  The Last Ride Together


Unit 2 (9 Hrs.)


D.G. Rossetti                                              The Blessed Damozel

                                                                  The Woodspurge

                                                                  Sudden Light

                                                                  The One Hope


Unit 3 (9 Hrs.)


C.A. Swinburne                                            The Garden of Proserpine

                                                                  A Forsaken Garden



Unit 4 (7 Hrs.)


Thomas Hardy                                             The Voice


                                                                  The Darkling Thrush

                                                                  I Found Her Out There


                                                      Unit 5  (10 hrs. )


G.B. Shaw                                                  Arms and the Man


Source Books: 

Source Books:

  • Milford, Humphrey. Ed. Fifteen Poets. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.
  • Allison, Barrow, Blake. The Norton Anthology of Poetry 3rd Ed. New York: WW Norton, 1983




Suggested Readings :


  • Abrams, M.H.A Glossary of Literary Terms. Boston:  Heinle, 1999.
  • Buckley, F.H. The Victorian Temper. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1969.
  • Chesterton, G.K. The Victorian Age in Literature. London: Williams and Norgate, 1913.
  • Dobree, B. The Victorians and After London: The Cresset, 1930.
  • Duffin, H.C. Thomas Hard. London: Manchester University Press, 1921.
  • Ford, Boris ed. Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. VI (Dickens to Hardy) Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.
  • Prasad, B. A Background to the Study of English Literature. Madras: Macmillan, 1965.
  • Walker, Hugh. Literature of the Victorian Era Cambridge. London: Cambridge University Press, 1910.


Academic Year: