Mulk Raj Anand: The Craft of Short Story Writing

Paper Code: 
ENG 144 (c) - Option 7

Unit 1

The short story and its craft

Unit 2

The Indian story-telling traditions

Unit 3

Mulk Raj Anand’s short stories – Themes

Unit 4

Mulk Raj Anand’s short stories – Characterization

Unit 5

Mulk Raj Anand’s short stories – Narrative technique and  structure

Source Books: 

Reading List 

Stories from Anand, Mulk Raj. Greatest Short Stories. Mumbai: Jaico, 1999.

· “The Lost Child” 

· “Lajwanti”                                                                                                

· “The Cobbler and the machine ”                                                                 

· “The Power of Darkness”                                                                       

· “A Kashmir Idyll”                                                                                   

· “A Pair of Mustachios”                                                                           

· “The Liar”                                                                                                

· “The Tamarind Tree”                                                                              

· “The Thief”

Garimella, Annapurna (Editor). Mulk Raj Anand: Shaping the Indian   Modern. Mumbai: Marg Publications. 2005. 124pp.

Naik, M. K.(Ed.). “Introduction” to Mulk Raj Anand: Greatest Short Stories.

 Ramanan, Mohan and P. Sailaja. English and the Indian Short Story. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2000.

Reid, Ian. The Short Story. (The Critical Idiom). London: Routledge, 197

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