The course will enable the students to:
Ben Jonson
Every Man in His Humour (from Macmillan 2010)
Christopher Marlowe
Edward, the Second
William Shakespeare
Francis Bacon
Of Studies
Of Superstition
Of Youth and Age
Of Friendship
Edmund Spenser
One day I wrote her name upon the strand
(from Amoretti)
Baldick, Chris. Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. OUP, 2004.
Ford, Boris. Ed. From Donne to Marvell – The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. 3.Penguin, 1983.
---. Ed. The Age of Shakespeare – The Pelican Guide to English Literature(Vol. 2).Penguin, 1969.
Gordon, G.Shakespearean Comedy and Other Studies. Oxford, 1944.
Hadfield, Andrewand A. L. Prescott. Ed. Edmund Spenser’s Poetry: Norton Critical Edition. Norton, 1969.
Hudson, W.H. An Introduction to the Study of Literature. George. G. Harrap & Co., 1936.
Stoll, E.E. Art and Artifice in Shakespeare. Macmillan, 1933.