Critical Theory

Paper Code: 
ENG 143

 Unit I

Excerpts from J.C. Ransom’s essay “Criticism, Inc.” 

The Essay “ The New Criticism”  (from Patricia Waugh, pp. 166-76)

Unit II

Roland Barthes                                  (from M.A.R. Habib, pp. 72-76)

Excerpt from J. Derrida’s Essay : “Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourses of the Human Sciences” (from Writing and Difference, trans. Alan Bass  pp.6-7)      

Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida      

Extract from “Derrida, Deconstruction and Literary Interpretation”            (from lib. 94/P145.pdf)

 Unit III

Excerpt from Elaine Showalter’s A Literature of Their Own (from Rice and Waugh, pp.100-02)   

Feminisms:  Western Feminism   (from Pramod K. Nayar, pp.82-90, 94-108)

Indian Feminism: A People without a History?(from Jasbir Jain pp. 1-10 &23)

Unit IV

Excerpt from Sigmund Freud’s Section V: “The Material and Sources of Dreams” ( from Interpretation of Dreams, pp. 201-04) 

Psychoanalytic Criticism (from Pramod K. Nayar, pp. 63-73 and 75-78)

Unit V

   Excerpt from  Edward W. Said “Section II “Introduction” 

(from Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient, pp. 4-9)          

Salman Rushdie’s essay (from Imaginary Homelands: Essays in  Criticism)

Postcolonial Theory (from Pramod K. Nayar, pp. 153-72 and 175-78)

Source Books: 

Source Books:


Derrida, Jacques. Writing & Difference. Trans. Alan Bass. Routledge, 1978. 

Habib, M.A.R. Modern Literary Criticism and Theory: A History. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell. 2008.

 Jain, Jasbir. Indigenous Roots of Feminism: Culture, Subjectivity and Agency. Sage, 2011. 

Nayar, Pramod K. Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: From Structuralism to Ecocriticism. Pearson, 2010. 

Ransom, John Crowe. The World’s Body. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1965. 

Rushdie, Salman . Imaginary Homelands: Essays in Criticism 1981-1991. Granta Books, 1992.

Waugh, Patricia.  Literary Theory and Criticism. OUP, 2006. 


 Recommended List:


Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths & Helen Tiffin. Eds. The Empire Writes     Back. Routledge, 2002.  


Childs, Peter. ModernismA New Critical Idiom. Routledge, 2007. 


Das, Bijoy Kumar. Twentieth Century Literary Criticism. Atlantic, 2004. 


Nagarajan, M.S. English Literary Criticism and Theory: An   Introductory  History. Orient Longman, 2006.


Rice, Philip and Patricia Waugh. Ed. Modern Literary Theory. Hodder Education, 1993. 


Selden, Raman and Peter Widdowson. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Longman, 1963. 


Seturaman, V.S. Ed. Contemporary Criticism. Macmillan, 1989. 

Academic Year: