Geoffrey Chaucer
The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Edmund Spenser
Philip Sidney
He seeks Inspiration…
The Sleepless Lover
With how sad…
My True Love
Sonnet Nos. LIV - Because I… and LXXIV -I Never…
Christopher Marlowe
Dr. Faustus
Francis Bacon
Of Truth
Of Death
Of Revenge
Of Adversity
Of Parents
Of Marriage and Single Life
Of Envy
Of Love
D.K. Chopra. Essays by Francis Bacon. Agra: Ratan Prakash Mandir, 1984.Print.
Ford, Boris. The Age of Chaucer. New Delhi: Atlantic, 1994. Print.
Jump, O John., Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus: A Selection of Critical Essays. New York: Palgrave, 2007. Print.
Patrick, Riley. The Cambridge to Christopher Marlowe. New York: CUP, 2004. Print.
Piero, Biotani. The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer. New York: CUP, 2003.