Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics
Co-ordination of Clauses and Phrases
Focus, Theme and Emphasis
Teaching Methods : Grammar and Translation Method, Situational and Bilingual Methods
Communicative Language Teaching
A. Akmajian, R.A. Demers, and R.M. Harnish : Linguistics : An Introduction to Language and Communication. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991. Print.
Coulthard, Malcolm. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1996. Print.
Harold, Parmer, F.G. Blandford, and Roger Kingdon. Grammar for English Words. 6th ed. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1970. Print.
Leech, Geoffery. English Grammar for Today: A New Introduction. New Jersey: Willy Blackwell Publisher, 1990. Print.
Littlewood, William. Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Print.
Randolph,Quirk, and Sydney Greenbaum. A University Grammar of English. London: Orient Longman, 1973. Print.
[1] https://english.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/applied-linguistics-and-grammar-ii-5
[2] https://english.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2017-2018