The course will enable the students to:
W.B. Yeats
The Second Coming
When You are Old
A Prayer for My Daughter
Easter 1916
T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Portrait of a Lady
Rupert Brooke
The Soldier
The Dead (I & II)
Wilfred Owen
Strange Meeting
Anthem for Doomed Youth
John Galsworthy
J.M. Barrie
The Admirable Crichton
Allison, Barrow and Blake. Norton Anthology of Poetry. W. W. Norton & Company, 1983.
Ford, Boris. Ed. Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. 8.Penguin, 1983.
Hall, James & Martin Steinmann: The Permanence of Yeats. Collier Books, 1961.
Leavis, F.R. New Bearings in English Poetry. Chatto & Windus, 1950.
Matthiessen, F.D. The Achievement of T.S. Eliot. OUP, 1958.
Norman Jeffares A. Yeats’ Selected Poems. Hutchinson, 1988.
Southam, B.C. T.S. Eliot ‘Prufrock’, ‘Gerontion’, ‘Ash Wednesday’ and Other Shorter Poems - A Case Book. Macmillan, 1978.