Course Objectives:
The course will enable the students to:
Course Outcomes
The students:
Jonathan Swift
On Style
Oliver Goldsmith
National Prejudices
Charles Lamb
Dream Children: A Reverie
William Hazlitt
Common Sense
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
John Galsworthy
H. G. Wells
The Apple
O. Henry
The Gift of the Magi
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Dying Detective
H.H. Munro
The Open Window
George Eliot
Silas Marner
Source Books:
English Prose Selections for B.A. Part - 1.Macmillan, 1893.
Popular Short Stories. OUP, 2002.
Kumar, Shashi and Paul Gunshekhar. An Anthology of Short Stories. Orient Longman, 2003.
Kumar, Shiv K. Short Stories of Yesterday and Today. OUP, 1998.
Suggested Readings:
Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Cengage Learning, 2014.
Baldick, Chris. Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. OUP, 2008.
Boulton, Marjorie. Anatomy of Poetry.Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1982.