To familiarize the students with the respective literary ages and their salient features, various literary movements and trends and the representative poets and their individual traits
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnet No. 14-If Thou Must Love Me…..
Sonnet No. 41-I Thank All Who Have Loved Me
Sonnet No. 43- How do I love thee? (from Sonnets from the Portuguese)
A Musical Instrument
Matthew Arnold Culture and Anarchy
(Chapter 1: Sweetness and Light and Chapter 2: Doing as One Likes)
The Buried Life
Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights
Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native
Walter Pater From ‘Appreciations’: Essays on Style and Postscript
J.S. Mill On Liberty
The Victorians and After : B. Dobree
• Literature of the Victorian Era : H. Walker
• The Victorian Age in Literature : G.K. Chesterton