• To develop the ability to comprehend and analyze a literary text
• To familiarize the students with writing skills and Research Methodologies while writing a dissertation
Aspects of Pronunciation: Phonemic Symbols and Transcription of Words: Word Stress and Intonation , Word formation in English
Advanced Comprehension
Theme Writing
Report Writing (Academic and Journalistic)
Literary Appreciation (Poetry)
Research Methodology: use of quoted material, plagiarism, preparing the list of Works Cited (from MLA 7th Ed)
· Praveen K. Thakkar : Appreciating English Poetry (Orient Longman) 1999.
· The Anatomy of Poetry by Marjorie Boulton.
L.G. Alexander: Poetry and Prose Appreciation for Overseas Students (O. Longman, London, 1975)
[1] https://english.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/phonetics-and-language-2
[2] https://english.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2014-2015-0